Play for free on APO 7.6 and APO 8.42
- Sign up and create your character!
- Download the game and install it!
- Sign in to the game and play for free!
- Start up the installed game, APO 7.6 by double clicking the icon.
- The game window will appear. Please click Enter Game.
- Next enter your account number in field Account number and your passwords in field 'Password'. Then click Ok.
- The window, in which you can choose your character will appear. At the beggining, everyone has only one character, after you'll sign up, you can create more character. The maximum number of character is 20 per account! After you'll choose, cilck Ok.
- The starter position on the APO 7.6 server is The Temple of Rookgard (Check on 7.6 map!).
- Start up the installed game, APO 7.6 by double clicking the icon.
- The game window will appear. Please click Enter Game.
- Next enter your account number in field Account name and your passwords in field 'Password'. Then click Ok.
- The window, in which you can choose your character will appear. At the beggining, everyone has only one character, after you'll sign up, you can create more character. The maximum number of character is 20 per account! After you'll choose, cilck Ok.
- After you log in to the game for the first time, you'll see the window where you can set an unique look of your character. When you do it, just click Ok.
- The starting position on the APO 8.42 server is The Temple of Rookgard.
Status ots: Online
Monsters: 43731
Uptime: 3h 5m
Client: 7.6
Port: 7171
World type:ARMIA PVP
Experience: x5
Houses: 331
Client: 8.42
Port: 7171
World type:ARMIA PVP
Experience: x4
Houses: 210
Client: 8.42
Port: 7171
World type:ARMIA PVP
Experience: x200
Skill: x100
Magic: x50
Loot: x10
Houses: 210